On Successfully Overriding President's Veto of Farm Bill

Press Release

Date: May 21, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

On successfully overriding President's veto of Farm Bill

Congressman Charlie Wilson (OH-6) issued the following statement on the House voting overwhelmingly today to override President Bush's veto of H.R. 2419, the Food and Energy Security Act of 2007, also known as The Farm Bill. The final vote was 316 to 108:

"We need a stable farm policy for our economy. President Bush basically has turned his back on the farmers and what we're saying in this Congress - and it's a bipartisan effort - saying that we need to take care of people. We need to have food safety. We need to have food stamps. We need to have the programs that are going to be able to help people through these difficult times. This Farm Bill does that."
